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anyone have a few?

Hey my systems ben running for quite a few time. Although i have suddenly decided that it is time to take the plunge and go to reefing ;) :D ;). I just got my 4 x 65w lighting on my 55 gallon tank yesterday, but i soon realized that i cannot spend any money on corals. All i had was my "allowance" that i saved for 4 months literally to get the light.

Can anyone frag a few pieces or coral for me(or even one)? This will be my first coral uve EVER owned. THANKS GUYS, this site is the only hope i have into actually getting some corals, otherwise, it'll be me and my lonely clowns.

Pleease guys help me out, im a 14 year old high-school freshman, parents wont even let me work :mad:
Sure! What part of the state are you in? I have some green star polyps, Anthelia, Bright yellow zoas and Kenya tree frags.
Ahhhh, I didn't see which forum you posted in. I'm not sure if I have anything you're looking for.

But, if you're interested in the things i have, your welcom to some frags.
actually i messed up posting in LPS and SPS. I actually wanted starter corals like you stated. Now im excited. I live in parsippany, nj. I get off fro school at 4 so, is it possible for you to call me at 973-960-1975 when i get home? My brother and i can come pick up in the 20-30 mile area.

jerseydiablo said:
Wish I started all this reefing when I was 14 8)

good luck with all your "reefing" endeavors Percula Clown

I am 14 with a 55 reef ready. :D
If i dont have a 550 by the time i am 25, lifes a waste. ;)
lol. Thx, will def try to make it interesting!