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anyone have trouble getting on rc

i havnt been able to get in for the last day. maybe its my isp? i have optimum online. every other site works except rc.
i read something a while ago about someone who had the same problem. they said that rc could be using an outdated bogon filter that is not allowing us in. anyone know anything about this.

do u have optimum too?
I got in all day no problem, optonline here too..

I did have slow posting there for a little early today, but thats gone away now.

I do know that the location where the servers are housed were doing some network repairs / troubleshooting this weekend.. Its not RC, but the data center in that case..

I'll shoot an email to the tech admins and see their thoughts...


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'm back up now but I had no access most of last night through the wee hours of this morning. It's working fine now though.
It is most likely the data center doing their maintenance then.. It may happen again today, but it is supposed to be just this weekend, and monday everything *should* be back to normal..

But like I said its not RC, RC is running fine, its the location that RC is housed in. :(