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Anyone know where I can get a faucet adapter diverter valve locally?

This is what I need: http://cgi.ebay.com/Faucet-adapter-...hZ002QQcategoryZ20756QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem

When I went to make water (I use this hooked to my kitchen sink to make my RODI since we don't have a sink in the basement and we didn't want it perm. attached under the sink) this week I realized my valve was broken, I ordered on immediately from the link above but it's coming from CA and no sign of it yet. I ran out of water today and had to disconnect my ATO, I'm hesitant to adding tap water but unless I can track one of these down tonight or tomorrow I'm going to have to until the part arrives from CA.

I checked a true value & a Lowes with no luck.

how much rodi do you need per day...if its only a few gallons you could get it at trop for .50c/gal until the valve is delivered

hope that helps.........al


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There is a mom 'n' pop hardware store on Rt36 across from Foodtown. Also, there is one in Keyport. I have something similar but its T shaped, made of plastic and would have to remember where I tossed it.

Al: trop is a bit of a drive for me, figure I might just go get some distilled water from the grocery, not as good as RO but better then tap just for topoffs

Mark: thanks for the info, I'll check them out tomorrow...hopefully the part will arrive tomorrow or Sat :)

If you just need it for topping off and if its not a lot of water per day, go with the distilled water until the valve arrives.
It shouldn't be more than a day or two away (if you ordered it a few days ago).


PS..You could also call any of the LFS's near you and ask to buy some.

I have a similar faucet adapter (had to look for it) that you can borrow until yours arrives. Instead of of a switch that you turn to direct flow between sink and RO unit, mine has a pull/push pin that does the same job. Just let me know if you want to borrow it. Call or PM me.


While you are waiting for the valve, where do you live and how much water do you need?

I always have between 10 and 20 gallons on hand and live in Woodbridge 07095.

Thank you so much everyone for your super kind offers, I'm so sorry for not writing back sooner... hubby had to go out of town and took his home laptop and I was having computer issues again with my desktop so I didn't get online. Thankfully my adapter arrived on Saturday and I was able to get my water made. You guys are the best though :)
