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Apart for reefing what other hobbies do you have?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I for one love gardening.. Rose's are my fave.. I even went as far to make my own top soil with 40 tons of Manure
I enjoy cursing at my tank when I am not enjoying it ! ;D

I also enjoy sculpting just dont find enough time for it .


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The_Codfather said:
I even went as far to make my own top soil with 40 tons of Manure
40 TONS! :eek: That's a lot of $h!t! Good thing you live by the bay, you could blame the stink on low tide! LOL


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Tazmaniancowboy said:
The_Codfather said:
I even went as far to make my own top soil with 40 tons of Manure
40 TONS! :eek: That's a lot of $h!t! Good thing you live by the bay, you could blame the stink on low tide! LOL
lol.. smell was not that bad it was already decomposed.. you really can't use Hot ( fresh) Manure as it will burn the plants.. you saw my back yard.. that was 6"high with it..i just limed and tilled it in
used to do RC gas cars, but just got too expensive.

used to hook up cars, but just got too expensive.

used to build model planes, but since I crashed the nicest one, never got back. It crashed on its maiden flight. 2 minutes flight, 4 months build.

used to fish......ummm..... I still do because it puts food on the table, but it does get expensive.
Reading actual paper books, watching birds and other NJ wildlife, raising kids, occassional interest in growing carnivorous plants, orchids, and passiflora. Coldwarcomms.
After the kids...sleeping ;D
Martial arts, gardening outdoor and indoor, freshwater fish, kayaking and reading.
i don't know how people have any time for anything else....lol.

after the reef tank, then i pamper the baby clowns (thank goodness I just reduced the number of tanks from 3 to 1 clownfish baby tank) and then the turtles (both are about 20 years old) and the kids guinea pigs which i care for...lol. Not to mention the mowing/tree triming/fixing the house. I've got roses on the side of the house that bloom every year despite my care....lol.

I will say I do like to mess with a video game every now and then. I used to ebay my finds (Diablo II LOD) and trade them to people who'd give me money via paypal. Yes - that was nice. ;D

i'd love to get more involved in photography.

finally agree with jim - "raising kids" is a very timeconsuming hobby.... :D
sleeping, seems like I can never get enough and I'm only 22 soon to be 23

reading about anything business related regarding management, marketing, finances etc.

weightlifting (was a wrestler and a thrower in HS and continued the routines)

cars mainly German ones, but a bit of everything

hmm oh and I guess education since when I was in HS I didn't really care, then after 4 years undergraduate I decided to do 2 more years for M.B.A and now considering law school (Jesus I'm nuts)

I'm boring heh
Was into modding my Audis but becoming a mechanic kinda killed that for me
I have an interest in RC helicopters, but I fear once I actually start looking into it Ill be addicted and 5k in the hole...why does that sound familiar?
Gamblings fun, but Id rather put the money into my tank, more rewarding.
Seems like reefing has been my main vice the past year or so
Brando457 said:
hmm oh and I guess education since when I was in HS I didn't really care, then after 4 years undergraduate I decided to do 2 more years for M.B.A and now considering law school (Jesus I'm nuts)

Let me know if you want to talk about the Law School thing, been there done that.