This is a video of Defensive Back Roy Williams of the Dallas Cowboys.
He has a tank 8'x8' Round.
Within the first minute of the video you see his maintanence man diving inside the tank to clean it.
In the last 40seconds of the video you see Roy Williams dive in.
You have to watch a 30sec commercial before it starts but after that it's less than a minute to the tank and then fast forward to the end to see Roy dive.
This is a video of Defensive Back Roy Williams of the Dallas Cowboys.
He has a tank 8'x8' Round.
Within the first minute of the video you see his maintanence man diving inside the tank to clean it.
In the last 40seconds of the video you see Roy Williams dive in.
You have to watch a 30sec commercial before it starts but after that it's less than a minute to the tank and then fast forward to the end to see Roy dive.