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use 12 v wall wart to power relay thru float switch supply 110 v thru relay contacts to ato pump in my case a solenoid valve
there is a wiring diagram on the RIB its simple I used a rib because they are very reliable

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
I am working on adding ATO to my pi system. I have two float switches connected now and my screen lets me know when water needs to be added. Once I get some extra time and funding I will add a relay with an outlet to run a pump. Right now, beside the funding part, I am just focusing on the code side of the system


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Mark i top off with a container in basement under display tank . With a dc pump in basement bucket plumbed into sump upstairs. wire from pump(downstairs) comes through a existing hole in floor(a 1.5 ) round hole .plug into its own surge strip by tank and turn it on when i need top off. Never liked switches to control water.


Staff member
NJRC Member
Mark i top off with a container in basement under display tank . With a dc pump in basement bucket plumbed into sump upstairs. wire from pump(downstairs) comes through a existing hole in floor(a 1.5 ) round hole .plug into its own surge strip by tank and turn it on when i need top off. Never liked switches to control water.
I had a float switch before with no issues. One time I had the hose to lose and dump a few gallons of ATO n the floor. A clip fixed that issue.

I like automated so when I'm away one less thing to worry about.