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Auto feeders

I have not used this exact feeder but i have used the ehiem one. It works pretty well but i dont like the fact that the batteries get used up pretty fast and once they go you have to reprogram the whole unit all over again. Sorry I cant help with this exact model but im sure someone here has and will chime in with their experience. I am also interested so I can replace my ehiem.
By when do you need it? I think I have one that you can borrow. I have to look for it since my house is turned upside down ever since they started remodeling my basement.
I thinking of adding a feeder just for an extra daytime meal while I'm at work.

Anyone have a favorite model to suggest?
Generally I have found that if I'm going away for less than 10 days, the best thing to do is to just leave the system alone, rather than try a automatic feeder or trust someone else to feed the fish.

Feed the day you go away and the day you get back and generally you'll be fine. Remember some fish like tangs can get a lot of food right from the tank itself.

The main exception to this would be if you have fish like anthaias damsels that requite that constant food supply.
Thanks Dave for the feedback. This time I'll only be away for 5 days so shouldn't be too bad. Someone's going to hook me up with one for that week.