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Baby Clowns & Anemone

I was fortunat to be able to acquire 15 baby percs . Here's a pic of 3 of them hosting a green carpet .
There is alslo a green bubble tip in the tank but they have not hosted that yet .
It looks like youve come over from the dark side.

Joining me in my anemone clownfish love.

Be careful those clowns may begin to pair off and fight. You either need more anemones or less babies.
More anemones, never less babies(lol) . I added a nice size torch today to hopefully give a few another hosting option . I do have a gbta in there that was kinda bleached and still hiding from the lights. I plan on adding a rbta when I see a nice sized one and maybe a purple lta. Yes I am now on the dark side,Ive been biten by the clown bug and never had so much fun watching my tank.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Paul, the club has a nice size RBTA for sale. It is currently at my house. If you arrange price and payment with the officers, I can work with you for the hand off.
Phyl, I am interested ,can you send me a pic and can an officer pm me a price,thanks for the heads up, Paul


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Not really, it is in the tank downstairs and the front glass is a mess. Monroereef has one of the siblings to it and Brian Pope another... you could see theirs and get an idea of what it is destined for though! ;D
Phyl who should I contact for a price,? Or if an officer see's this please email or pm me info, I am interested,thanks Paul