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Back from the Vet


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One of my son's turtles got sick. Closed eyes and wouldn't eat for 2 weeks. We tried all the on-line remedies before which worked but this time no good. Anyway $125 later my son has to give it an injection every 3 days. They wanted to do blood work but that would have put the bill over $300 and my son said no. I should mention here that I told my son if we bring it you pay.
What turtle vet did you go to? I went to a good guy here in Parsippany.

My turtle is doing really well now. Pix from tonight ...


Sandee | Sent from my iPhone!


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Sandee, that is to far. We went to Oakhurst Vet Hospital as it was the only one near me.


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Finally, a little good news. I managed to get the turtles open by soaking it warm water a few times a day.
I also added some Pedialyte to its water dish so if it drank would not dehydrate.
It was active today, first time in awhile, so I tossed in an earthworm and it ate...Hooray!!


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Make that two. Slow moving but seem to be getting there.

One shot left to give tomorrow and hope for the best.


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The turtle ended up with a n ear infection. A big bubble formed on the tympanic membraneand[FONT=arial, sans-serif] surgery is the only option, don't ask the cost. My son and I researched the procedure and took the plunge. We bought what we didn't have and sterilized everything. He held the turtle while I lanced it with an exacto knife; took my 3 tries. The stuff that oozed out was extremely gross. So far it seems to be doing well and I hope to never do this again. [/FONT]


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The one ear healed up nicely but I had to slice the other ear last night. I hope this is the end and the turtle just recovers now.