This quote comes from Robert Metelsky - IRC transcript in 1997Your selection of corals will have the largest impact on light requirements. Here is a list of low to medium light corals that are hardy and relatively easy to keep. Note low to medium light=3 to 5 watts per gall. All the mushrooms, open brain, branch soft coral, elegance, false brain, leather, finger coral, star polyp, red/green polyp. If you need to know the scientific names of the above I would recommend a good coral identification book such as.. A Practical Guide to Corals by Ed Puterbaugh and Eric Borneman. All of the above corals I would recommend to the beginner. These corals will demand a modest amount of lighting some where in the 3 to 5 watts per gallon range.
I hope this is the correct forum to ask for your comments.
I would like to hear from everyone what your thoughts are; bearing in mind these comments are over 11 years old!
Any additions, comments, corrections, subtractions based on the dynamics of the hobby over the past 11 years are greatly appreciated
Our current plan is for a 120g 4'x2'x2' reef tank with min 30g sump. Your comments will assist my DW and I in the next planning step.