I know this is like discussing politics lol but what are some suggestions for better color in sps? I feel my color is great but id like to see if I can do better. I know some people do amino acids, some do iodine etc. just looking for opinions.
Well I've been using Aquvitro Fuel for quite sometime. I guess it's been working. Everything looks great except the purple bonsai's of which I have 3. All 3 look very pale, dare I say greyish. Healthy otherwise just not purple. I just picked up the Warner marine amino's so I'm gonna start using that now that I'm out of fuel.
I have found keeping my all,calcium and mag in an ideal range has helped a lot. John, I too have 3 purple bonsai, two have improved color with light and flow. These 2 are glued to the side of my return pump close to the top which gets lots of light and flow. The one on the rock is fine just dull.
I have found keeping my all,calcium and mag in an ideal range has helped a lot. John, I too have 3 purple bonsai, two have improved color with light and flow. These 2 are glued to the side of my return pump close to the top which gets lots of light and flow. The one on the rock is fine just dull.
It's weird. Two are mine and have always been pale. One came from DanK and had good color when it came in since then its gone downhill. All different locations all different light intensities and flow is varied also. All look the same.
I've been doing some reading and saw where potassium has an effect on blues and purples. I gotta get a test first though.
They have a test for K? What's the values in sea water?
I have tried three K test kits and Elos potassium is the best in my opion. I tried the KZ kit and Red Sea and they both are hard to read.