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Best skimmer in the whole world



and the result ;D had to keep it reef related ;)



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Wow! Did you take those pics Francis? Is that what it's looking like down by you today?
ReefDrumz said:
Wow! Did you take those pics Francis? Is that what it's looking like down by you today?

Yea just got back from the beach 8) scary part is there's no beach :eek: and high tide isn't til 3 or 4 this afternoon, waves are lapping against the dunes now, hopefully the wind switches soon...
debfife said:
Shouldn't you be surfing? :eek:

Funny you should mention that, I went up there to check out the waves to go surfing but after watching these two guys being swept down the beach for a half hour without being able to punch through to the line up I figured I'd wait til tomorrow.

Wow those guys are nuts!

I wish we lived closer to the shore, I love going and watching the ocean when it's like that!


Ooooooh..... you know what big surf waves and November means Francis!

Stripers in the surf!!!!

:( But I have to visit my parents this weekend, leaving after work to go North... bummer :(


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Merv Rubiano said:
Stripers in the surf!!!!

What in the surf?!

Oh that's striPers. Gotcha. man I was thinking what kind of crazy people...
you know youve become an old head in the surfing world when you will no longer fight to get out for 45 min for 1 ride and have to hitchhike back from 25 blocks away to do it again