like i said i didnt mean it as a disrespect i understand the market price but i feel the market price is way to high in general. Zoas in general are low maintenance and i am sure some will argue that there are some that grow slower or require slightly different care but its a zoa and we in the hobby set the prices when we allow retailers to label a zoa as "designer" and then tag it with a high price tag. I once had a discussion with a coral vendor who said that when he grows Zoa's for sale that are unique in color he lets his children make up a name for them and the fact that the Zoa has a special name to begin with regardless of the color adds a few extra dollars to the sale price. So all in all to some people a pretty colored zoa with a fancy name might be worth spending 100 dollars and to others maybe not but as long as there are people willing to spend 100 dollars vendors will continue to come up with fancy names and charge expensive prices for those frags.The market price on these zoas is $30 per polyp so so $30 for a 2 polyp frag is already a good deal on these and anything less then $25 I will just keep both frags for myself.