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Blue Jay Progress

Hi everyone,

As many of you know, I've been busy rehabilitating 2 Blue Jay babies since July 4th. I thought it would be nice to post some pictures, so everyone can see how "my" babies are doing. ;D

Here's a picture taken 7-7-07, 3 days after the rescue. They were estimated to be between 2-3 weeks of age, with the older one being about 4-5 days older than his sibling. I named them "Swifty" (the younger one) and "Sammy", and yes, I did get quite attached. :-[

Here they are again, 7-10-07

Here's Sammy on the same date

Sammy became quite sick after a week, and I was afraid I was going to lose him. His illness was neurological, but he miraculously overcame it and recovered completely. :)

Here are 2 pictures taken of them 7-22-07 (they were spending all their time outdoors at this point)


Here is Sammy on 7-24-07

And here is Swify on 8-6-07, looking like a punk rocker with his crest and face in full molt :D

One more. Here's Sammy today, after taking a long bath in my soup bowl.

Both of them are fully flighted, and spend the majority of the day investigating the neighborhood and looking for food. However, when they are nearby and hear me calling them, they come flying over and get a morsel to eat. Alex and my boys tell me that my neighbors are now convinced that I have officially lost my mind because I go out and yell: "BABIES. Come here babies." :eek: But hey, it works each and every time, and I am rather proud of their progress.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Wow! That's great to hear (and see!) Calling them has to be hilarious... How long will they stay near your house? That would be cool if they hung out all year!
Thanks Brian and Deb. :)

Brian, I'm pretty certain they'll be around for quite a while, especially since Blue Jays are fantastic parents, and care for their clutch for several months. Both parents take turn feeding their offspring, and they defend them with their life. Blue Jays "mate" for life, meaning once they find a suitable partner, they will be together til death does them part.

There was a third baby who didn't make it. :( My neighbor found him in his yard 2 days after I rescued Swifty and Sammy.

As aggressive as Blue Jays are, these babies have shown me a whole new side of them. They make a great variety of sounds, often reminding me of parakeets. Of course they instinctively learned to do the Red Hawk imitation, the sound most of us associate with Blue Jays. They are VERY affectionate and look out after each other.

My guess is that they'll be here until they reach sexual maturity, at which point they'll separate and go their own way in order to find a mate.

Great job Wendy!

It won't be long before the babies come back, nest and dive bomb you until you run for your life! ;D

I love them anyway!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
JerseyWendy said:
and they defend them with their life.

I learned this the hard way...When I was about 6 or 7 there was a BlueJay's nest on top of my friends house...so being typical kids, we started throwing rocks at it...

They flew down at us like 2 F-16's. I swear if we didn't run they would have just stabbed us with their beaks! So, needless to say...I never did throw rocks at a birds nest again!
RichT said:
ReefDrumz said:
JerseyWendy said:
and they defend them with their life.

we started throwing rocks at it...

Hoodlums I tell ya!!! ;)

Hilarious!!!! <Wendy's trying to catch her breath now from laughing so hard>

Here's a quick, funny story about birds:
When we first moved to Oklahoma in 1988, and Alex was cutting grass for the first time with our very first RED lawn mower, I suddenly observed him swadding wildly at something VERY small. Turned out to be a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. ::) Once we realized what it was we were very amazed and in awe at the feistiness of such a tiny bird. Alex honestly thought he was being attacked by an unknown bug with a HUGE stinger on his mouth. ;D



NJRC Member
Thanks for sharing and giving us an update. Growing up my dad rescued a baby screech owl which we had for a pet for quite some time. What fun memories we have of him.

Brian, shame on you. lol ;)
