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Calling cat lovers: Beautiful loving cat in DESPERATE need of new home

I hope someone here can help find Raja a new home. Raja is a gorgeous 9 year old (born 4th of July '99) solid black cat with amazing green eyes. He is incredibly friendly and wonderful with children (and fish <wink>). He's front declawed and neutered. He's an indoor only cat and always has been.

The issue is he HATES our other pets, he tolerated our other cat, tolerated our first dog less... and simply hates our newest dog. He's gone from playful and always around to constantly hiding under the bed and hissing at the other animals, he got so bad he wouldn't even come out to eat or use the litter box and would instead meow from under my bed until I'd carry him to the basement. I've had to bring a box & his food upstairs and separate him from the other animals which isn't fair to him or them and is making the whole household unhappy. My husband has decided this isn't working and is insisting we give him away.

As stated he's super friendly with people, acts more like a dog then a cat. He'd love a home where he is the only furry pet, be it a family with children (he'll let you hold him upside down by his toes without complaint) or any other situation you could think of so long as he has a warm lap to sit in and someone to pet him. Though he's only ever been an indoor cat he has no fear of the outside and I think he'd be ok on a farm type setting where he would still have shelter and food offered if that was all we could find.

The issue is Craig wants him gone within the next 2 weeks (we're going home to MI for a visit), I don't dare list him on petfinder or craigslist given the sickos in the world and knowing what they might do to a all black cat this close to Halloween, I'm also pretty sure shelters won't even adopt out an all black cat around Halloween for the same reason. I've already checked all the no kill shelters within 2 hours and none are accepting any more animals right now. I'm running out of time and ideas, if anyone here would be willing to try it out, or knows of someone who might PLEASE let me know.
