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Chemipure Elite vs Purigen

Hello Everyone. I was wondering if anyone had used chemipure elite? I like using purigen to remove phosphates, but now with the addition of elite chemipure which also removes silicates / phosphates I am not sure what to go with. On one hand you have purigen which likes to boast it is superior to carbon in removing organics and we all know it does a great job in removing silicate / phosphates in smaller tanks comparable to phosguard. Now you have Elite Chemipure which does basically the same thing, but can we remove phosguard the same way when using the elite version? Does anyone have any insight? I guess the best thing I can do is give it a try.


I've run them both. From what I can see they work about the same and both seem to be fine products. I myself couldn't say one is better then the other. I guess I'd say buy the one that's cheaper. :)

Also worth mentioning, purigen is loose and easy to use in a reactor. The Chemipure comes in little bags so that is easy to throw into a canister filter. I've taken the chemipure out of the bag and used it in a reactor before but it's a little to small and I wouldn't recommend doing this.

You can actually get purigen in bags too. I use the 100ML bags in the first chamber of my AP12. You can get them here at a reasonable price.

Dr. Foster and Smith - Purigen

I like purigen alot, but I am still going to have to try the chemipure elite.
well that would have saved me a fortune on those "the bag"s ::)

Oh well, thanks for the link... I need some for the new tank so I'll get one of those :)