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Closed loop or power heads

I realize this topic has no definitive answer but i am getting closer to starting my 280 upgrade and i am trying to decide which way to go. I'd love to get everyone's opinion on their preference and what equipment are you using to meet your flow needs.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'm nowhere near an expert on this, but let me explain my logic in the choice of closed loop versus power heads. Once you install (drill) for closed loop, the location of the outflow pipes are fixed. As you do your rockwork or as things grow out, that’s it, the outflows stay where they were drilled. With power heads, you can move them where you need the flow. If it changes as things grow or you redo rockwork, you move the power heads. That’s my cheap two cents.


Paul hit the nail on the head and the pump to run a closed loop uses much more electricity than a powerhead.


NJRC Member
I'm nowhere near an expert on this, but let me explain my logic in the choice of closed loop versus power heads. Once you install (drill) for closed loop, the location of the outflow pipes are fixed. As you do your rockwork or as things grow out, that’s it, the outflows stay where they were drilled. With power heads, you can move them where you need the flow. If it changes as things grow or you redo rockwork, you move the power heads. That’s my cheap two cents.

well said!!
My original reason for considering closed loop is because I want to keep things clean and not cluttered with power heads and wires but I realize the importance of being able to move the flow around as the tank matures. I dont want to put anything on the viewing sides of the glass for flow. tough decision.

Darren, let me know when you have some time for me to stop by.
I've thought about what I'd like to do, if I could start over again, and would probably do a combination of both. I'd do a coast to coast beananimal overflow, which would provide both my sump and closed loop. I'd use the return on the closed loop to provide flow behind and around the rock work. And, like Paul said use the PH's wherever you need additional flow in the main water column.
both have plusses and negatives. If you want a lot of flow there is alot to be said for closed loops. another good point for is you can run them through a filter before returning them to your tank. you can set them up through a mechanical, chemical or both. they can pick up alot of debris from the bottom of your tank. they also would not put any kind of electrical current into your tank as a power head would. the look is much cleaner. you can add in devices such as oceans motions or automated ball vales for some crazy random currents. I like to run them attached to a seaswirl. which in my opinion is still the best oscillting current device out there.
that said there is plusses to power heads also. you can hide them behind your rockwork. you can move them around to needed areas. you dont have to drill your tank.
I use 3.

1- is the overflow that feeds the sump and the return moves the top portion of the display

2- is the closed loop which I have running the backside of the tank, behind the rock work to keep things clean and moving behind there

3- is the 2 powerheads that I can adjust to the current needs of the tank depending were I need more flow and what not


NJRC Member
I ran across the same dilemma when I set up my 180 two years ago. To me, my primary goal was to minimize the amount of man-made or artificial looking items in my tank. So I ruled the powerheads/pumps out right away (didn't like the cords or the bulky heads). Then the decision became either: 1) vortechs, or 2) closed loops with a 4 way ocean motions. I went with the closed loops, but my tank returns are over the top of my tank. My tank is build into the wall, so you don't see any of the plumbing except for the heads dipping into the water surface. Since it's over the top, I still have the flexibility of moving the returns whereever I want.

Just my $0.02