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coral help

i just bought a pricey leather from Pet Shanty. i notice my Koran Angel messing with it a bit since i put it in the tank on wed. will the angel evenyualy leave it alone? how long can i test to see before the coral dies? is it possible that it can be killed by the angel? i have another tank with just clowns. thanks for the help

It's really not good to keep angels with corals. Angels aren't reef save and could eat the coral. As for Angels having a taste for leathers .. i'm not sure, but usually they're not reef safe.
The only corals that most large angels won't touch are SPS and they still might at that. Anything soft and it's fair game. Consider that leather a gonner if you keep the Angel.

If possible try feeding the tank heavier so the angel isn't hungry. That helps a lot.

I've been able to keep half dozen non pygmy angels in a reef tank doing this. I just setup a tank with 4 large angels and other fish normally considered not reef safe and I've got a dozen or so softies in it. Knock on wood, so far so good but that could change at any time.

Angels are always a gamble, so be prepared for any losses.

Keep in mind that sponges and soft corals are often part of an angel's "in the ocean" diet, especially with the larger species.

Putting an expensive leather in there is about like offering a plate of cookies to a kid.

I'm afraid the coral or the angel will have to go.