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Could I use a CPR Overflow CS50 on my 50g ?

Please bear with me, I'm utterally clueless when it comes to overflows, sumps, refugs, etc. My 24g aquapod obviously doesn't use any and my 50g is not RR and besides a HOB aquac remora skimmer and a aquaclear filter I use to hold chemi-pure it's stock.

I found someone selling a oceanic cube like I've been wanting but it comes with a CPR Overflow model CS50 (and two small "tanks" & plumbing for under the stand but obviously that would all be to small for my 50g) anyways I don't really need it on the cube for my plans but was wondering if I could use the overflow on the 50g and maybe setup a tank under it to work as a sump/refug? I know I'd need a pump but would that be it? Is the overflow to small to even bother with for a 50g?

Thanks for any advice, and please feel free to talk to me about it as if I was a 2 yr old, I really am that clueless as to how they work (for that matter would I be risking a huge flood using it on the cube or the 50?)

If it wouldn't be worth it on the 50g is there any sort of resale around here for the overflow, thinking if I didn't need it maybe I could resell it to recoup some of the extra money I didn't really want to spend on the tank (seller won't split it up)



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The CS50 handles 300GPH. That would work fine for a small fuge on either tank. All's you would need would be a 300GPH return pump. Having a fuge or sump is always better for either of the tanks, if even just for the water volume. I never had a reef ready tank in 30 years, so I always had an external overflow. Only had a flood 1 time and that was my fault. (forgot to make a siphon break on my return line. I'll hook it up for you if and when you're ready.
Thanks for the info (and offer to help!) I think I'd use it on the 50g since that is the reef and has the higher bioload (the 50g, if I can talk hubby into it) would just be for my puffer. Will let you know if I end up getting it or holding out for a cheaper one closer :)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hows Wassibi doing? Guess he might be getting his own home again?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
What size tank are you looking for? Does it have to be that size? I come across a lot of tanks in my travels.75-90's at good prices.
Wasabi is... well he's ok, proved to be a wuss so far (he swims with the chromis and gets chased by the 6 line) His coloration is still weird and he still hides most of the time or lurks in a corner only to come out at night I don't think he likes the lights or added flow.. he's usually found in a top corner hiding behind one of the seios ::)

Eventually I'd love to sell this 50g acrylic (not loving the stupid scratches that I kept away for one year and the algae I can't get off w/o scratching it LOL) and get a RR 65-75 with a nice looking stand/canopy but I think that is pretty far off as Craig doesn't want me spending any money as it is :-X

So a 30g oceanic is about all he'll let me get since it can fit into a corner and is "nice" looking... although I missed out on that one on here for $135 a few weeks back because last min he decided I didn't need to spend the money (GRR should have just done it eh?)

The seller of the one I'm considering now wants to meet at ILC which is a trek with Aliya so I might just hold out for another to pop up closer.

Better end this now as I'm rambling (to much coffee!)



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hi Aliya, How's you're Nemo. Candi. If you want that tank downnnn south, maybe we can make arrangements for someone down there to bring it to Brians meeting Sat. and I can pick it up there for you.
Hey Candi. Depends on what you want to do with the sump/refugium. If you are keeping macro algae in there, most recomend a lower flow anyway, so as long as your pump matched your overflow volume, you'd be ok. Be sure to calculate head loss of the plumbing to be sure the pump can keep up. Reefcentral has a headloss calc you can use here: http://www.reefcentral.com/calc/hlc2.php

I also just read something about keeping the flow lower if you keep the skimmer in the sump to allow more surface time on the water for the skimmer, so on my next sump I will probably lower my flow from what I have now.
Now why didn't I think of that? Hmm... what time is the meeting on Sat? The seller wanted to meet at ILC on Saturday but I'm not sure what time, maybe I'll make a post to see if anyone who lives near there would be willing (I wanted to goto the meeting myself this month but Craig's been doing a ton of traveling again and he actually leaves on Sunday for almost a week so Sat is "family day" and that part of the family isn't into reefing LOL

Ali says hi, Nemo is doing great, although he's being a terror to the poor neon green toadstool he decided to host, hopefully it recovers and in the mean time he's harassing a large hairy shroom. Marvin (firefish) is also doing breat and is always front and center (I swear he looks like I some how trained him to be in that spot LOL)
Huh?? LOL looks like I have some reading to do and a Mike to have come over to help if I do this :D Skimmer would remain HOB on the 50g and the 30g doesn't have one and probably wouldn't for a bit at least. Maybe I'll just find out what pump the prior owner used and get the same one... although if I use it on the 50g the tubing would change... um... yeah... more reading hehee

mfisher2112 said:
Hey Candi. Depends on what you want to do with the sump/refugium. If you are keeping macro algae in there, most recomend a lower flow anyway, so as long as your pump matched your overflow volume, you'd be ok. Be sure to calculate head loss of the plumbing to be sure the pump can keep up. Reefcentral has a headloss calc you can use here: http://www.reefcentral.com/calc/hlc2.php

I also just read something about keeping the flow lower if you keep the skimmer in the sump to allow more surface time on the water for the skimmer, so on my next sump I will probably lower my flow from what I have now.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Meeting info.
Most pumps that you buy have the head lost right on the box. I might have one laying around by the time you're ready. I would post and see if anyone in the area of ILC is coming up this way. Hopefully there is, this way you can drag Craig to the meeting even if it is only to stop by for a short stay. Who knows, maybe after seeing Brian's tanks, he might become more interested. They'll be a lot of good people there. Brian's is only a little over a half an hour from us. If you can't make it, I'll be more than happy to P/U the tank for you.
Candi said:
Huh?? LOL looks like I have some reading to do and a Mike to have come over to help if I do this :D Skimmer would remain HOB on the 50g and the 30g doesn't have one and probably wouldn't for a bit at least. Maybe I'll just find out what pump the prior owner used and get the same one... although if I use it on the 50g the tubing would change... um... yeah... more reading hehee

hehe. Sorry. Didn't mean to corn-fuse ya.

Basically the headloss is the loss of pumping ability the pump experiences by having to pump heights and distances. So a 600 gallon per hour pump may very well end up being as low as 300 or 400 gallons per hour depending on how high it has to pump the water, and how many turns it has to force the water past.

The headloss calc lets you put the pump you want to use in, the lengths and sizes of plumbing, and include any elbows the plumbing may have and it will calcuate what the approximate final pumping capacity the pump will have with the plumbing in place.

I'm by far not an expert, but I hope that helps. ;D