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CPR nano reactor

I purchased this a few months ago to run as a reactor in my nano. I used it with no success. Mainly because I think I just used too much media. I haven't used it in some time. Today I was bored and decided to modify to have two separate sections instead of one large. Basically I just glued in place a piece of acrylic. And added some replaceable filter floss to the top to keep media in. Now I plan on giving it another try using only a bit of GFO and GAC in each section. Water enters through the bottom and out the top.
Considering I'm going to run this in a 20 gal what would be a good starting point for both of the media. Also, I know BRS seems to be the choice for both but seeing as though this is a trial run where is a good local place to get GFO? GAC seems to be readily available by a variety of companies(not kent) but for phos removal all I can find is phosban local. Thanks in advance
Sorry here's the pic