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Other than pom pom and porcelain crabs - my personal opinion is to toss him. Do not stop at the jersey shore to drop off...
I know folks like emerald and sally lightfoots - but I've always believed the right mixture of snails will eliminate any need for a crab (hermits included).
Or I guess you could drop him in your's more than likely to be from the family Xanthidae...
It might be a gorilla crab. In any event usually the hairy crabs are usually predatory carnivores and are not reef safe. I would toss him in the sump or get rid of him all together just to be on the safe side.
Thanks for everyone's advice. He is now gone. I was thinking about puttin ghim in the sump but I put fish in there from time to time as a holding spot if they are "bad" in the display and I did not want them to get taken by him!