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Cucumbers hold the ketchup.

Hey does anyone use sea cucumbers in their tanks?

Also which ones are good for detrius clean up?

I have also some of these buggers also commit suicide sometimes which can be toxic to the rest of the residents of tank. This is true? Has anyone experienced this?

Can anyone elaborate???????????????????????????
Lot's of folks got cucumbers in the last critter group buy. I'm planning on trying some the next one coming up.

Reeftopia claims their Caribbean cukes don't nuke!

How has everyone been doing with theirs??
My cuce from the Reeftopia buy is doing great. He went from 4" long to just about a foot. Seems to be healthy adn happy. Doesn't seem to mind my cleaner shrimp busily working away on him, either.
I have had an Atlantic Cuke (Mr. Hankey) in my tank since the start and that was 5 years ago. Never an issue.

Had a black and pink for about a year and died, skimmer went crazy and lucky I had carbon.

I would have to say that Mr. Hankey has eaten through every grain of sand in my tank by now.