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current setup


the tank to far left is the 55 gal. tank I'm looking to replace with perhaps a 110


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Looks great!

Are all those systems tied together, or do they run independant of each other?
I think it's time to change your name from Reeferwanabe to just Reefer. Great setup. Curious about the same thing Brian asked about.
actually the center tank is reef two ends are cichlid tanks I want to change right side to salt 120 gal and leave (for now the 90 gal. cause I love those fish.
the tank in corner top right is my refugium do you think I should connect the new 120 gal. to the 150 gal? what are the pros and cons of doing this?
Pros: Less work and more water quanity to work with.

Cons: If you have a crash EVERYTHING will crash.

Personal Opinion: I would go with the connected systems. Ease of maint.
Beautiful arrangement of tanks...like the idea of the cichlid tank...From the looks of the gravel (dolomite/crushed coral?) the tank is for African Cichlids. If so, very colorful fish with interesting behavior patterns,

As long as the reef tank is doing well and maintenence is not too difficlt, I'd leave things alone until you make a major change such as replacing the 55. Then I'd tie the refugium to the reef as Sam suggests.
