OK, after visiting Jrods house a couple of weeks ago, then dropping by camz28's house yesterday, I ask myself one question...
Why didn't you get the good ol' metal halides in 250w??!!!
But Noooo... I had to go "space age, and go for looks and design", and get the sleek looking Current outer orbit lighting fixture with the 150W HQIs and 130W dual compact florescent!!!! I looked at lighting for Two mos. before buying...
I think I'm OK now ($565.00 later). (after a deep breath).
*I guess we all look for bigger & brighter things in this hobby.
I just hope my SPS don't take forever to grow. What do you think?
There are so many opinions! Mogul Metal Halide Vs. HQI, Compact fl oresent Vs. T5 Vs. VHO.
What do you experts think?
Why didn't you get the good ol' metal halides in 250w??!!!
But Noooo... I had to go "space age, and go for looks and design", and get the sleek looking Current outer orbit lighting fixture with the 150W HQIs and 130W dual compact florescent!!!! I looked at lighting for Two mos. before buying...
I think I'm OK now ($565.00 later). (after a deep breath).
*I guess we all look for bigger & brighter things in this hobby.
I just hope my SPS don't take forever to grow. What do you think?
There are so many opinions! Mogul Metal Halide Vs. HQI, Compact fl oresent Vs. T5 Vs. VHO.
What do you experts think?