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Damn Lighting... Why me?

OK, after visiting Jrods house a couple of weeks ago, then dropping by camz28's house yesterday, I ask myself one question...

Why didn't you get the good ol' metal halides in 250w??!!!

But Noooo... I had to go "space age, and go for looks and design", and get the sleek looking Current outer orbit lighting fixture with the 150W HQIs and 130W dual compact florescent!!!! I looked at lighting for Two mos. before buying...

I think I'm OK now ($565.00 later). (after a deep breath).

*I guess we all look for bigger & brighter things in this hobby.

I just hope my SPS don't take forever to grow. What do you think?

There are so many opinions! Mogul Metal Halide Vs. HQI, Compact fl oresent Vs. T5 Vs. VHO.

What do you experts think?


When I had my MH w/PC's fixture (cheap Odyssea) I had good color & growth when I switched the bulbs, I used the current usa dual actinic PC bulbs with 150w 10K XM DE bulbs, the 10K will give you the growth and the dual actinic will give you the color, you will be fine depending on the depth of your tank, if you notice the sps aren't doing the best they can, try moving them up higher in the tank. I was going to switch to 250's on my 120 but now I'm second thinking that option, I don't want to add a chiller to the tank and with the 250's will just add more undesired heat to my tank, so for now I'm staying with the 175 watt bulbs.
I just started playing with SPS about a month ago. They seem to be doing fine under my lighting, & my water chemistry is perfect. I just can't help but to wonder. You know... What if?
No need to "what if". I have SPS growing under PCs and are doing very nice. From the travel from the April meeting, the tips of all the pieces turned white. Currently, all the tips are almost back to full color and some pieces are starting to form branch buds. The meeting was only a week and a half ago. I do not have all of the pieces up at the top, some are 1/2 way down the tank.
I have T5 but a big mirror behind my tank and I have to start everything at the bottom and slowly move up the tank or it will burn really bad.
Don't get me wrong guys, the corals are fine. I just wish that I went with the 250s from the door...

I could have spent the same amount of money on the 250s and set myself up for future growth. I want a 180 now...

If not I'll just get a 90 Gal cube that will be SPS only! I'll just throw a 400W 14K over it and call it a day.

Here's an old picture of the tank, I've added 10 to 12 frags since.
<a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s99/masonpha/DSC01826.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

Here it is.
I have a coralife 24" 65watt actinic pc's with the 150watt m/h and I need to replace the bulbswhat would be the best thing to put in there or do I have to replace it with the same. I was thinking a 250watt m/h would this be too much for a 54 gal corner bow???? also where is the best place to get the bulbs for a good price