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Dead clown, new purchase opportunity...

I woke up this morning to find my 2yr old ocellaris clownfish (first fish I ever bought) stuck to my overflow strainer. I pushed him off and he floated around the currents until my coral banded shrimp caught him and made quick work of him. It's a sad day, but I figure this gives me an opportunity to finally buy some new livestock.

I would like to get an anemone with a bonded clown, but I have heard a lot of differing opinions on where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions of a good beginner anemone? Any suggestions on where to purchase an anemone with a bonded clown? Keep in mind my display is only 29gal, so I can't go buying anything that's going to get enormous.
well lighting is a big issue with anemones.. what kind of lighting do you have?
also how is your parameters, there could be a issue there, since the clownfish just died?
stuck to a strainer might mean he was weak from something..
My lighting is a 150W HQI (switching to a Reeflux 12K in a few weeks) and 2x65W actinic PCs (switching to new bulbs when I upgrade the HQI).

As for water parameters: Ca=400-450, dKh=8-10, Mg=1250 right now but slowly rising, Zeros on nitrates, nitrites, phosphate. I feed cyclopees every other day, Formula 1 and 2 flake on the days inbetween. Top-off is kalk w/ RO/DI bought from Tropiquarium, and I do 15% water changes with water from Tropiquarium every other week.

I can't think of any reason the clown died other than old age, because all the other fish appear to be thriving. They all ate this morning and appear to be healthy. The only thing that changed recently was my SCWD stopped switching so I added a powerhead temporarily. I doubt that was enough to stress a fish into dying.
good parameters.. Francis gave ya a good anemone to try.. I like the BTAs too..
Camz28 usually has some Rose Bubbles for sale..
I actually PM'd Camz28 last week in regards to replacing my broken SCWD, but haven't heard back yet. Is he/she usually pretty active on here, or could it take a while to hear back?
Keep in mind that a bta may not necessarily agree to host a percula or ocellaris...typically in the wild those two clowns are associated with other anemones (carpet and lta) that are known to grow very large.

It may very well work - I mean I have seen clowns host with soft corals (frogspawn/hammer) - so I don't see why they won't go for a bta.

Good luck!

edit: certain clown species (like a maroon) should readily go into a bta...though if you put one in a 29 - I am concerned a maroon would appoint herself queen of the tank.
I bought an anenome and a clown that was already hosting it together at Aquatic Obsessions. They even went home in the same bag because the clown would not leave the anenome.