I woke up this morning to find my 2yr old ocellaris clownfish (first fish I ever bought) stuck to my overflow strainer. I pushed him off and he floated around the currents until my coral banded shrimp caught him and made quick work of him. It's a sad day, but I figure this gives me an opportunity to finally buy some new livestock.
I would like to get an anemone with a bonded clown, but I have heard a lot of differing opinions on where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions of a good beginner anemone? Any suggestions on where to purchase an anemone with a bonded clown? Keep in mind my display is only 29gal, so I can't go buying anything that's going to get enormous.
I would like to get an anemone with a bonded clown, but I have heard a lot of differing opinions on where to start. Does anyone have any suggestions of a good beginner anemone? Any suggestions on where to purchase an anemone with a bonded clown? Keep in mind my display is only 29gal, so I can't go buying anything that's going to get enormous.