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Detritus on top of sand in fuge...problematic?


NJRC Member
Hey guys,

I was looking over my tank last night...like I do every night ;) and I noticed that there's a thin layer of detritus on top of the sand in my fuge.

My fuge is an aquafuge by CPR. It's about 5 inches thick, 14 long and 9 high, and I have a few pieces of rubble, a 1/2 inch of sand and chaeto in it. And pods....but i guess that goes w/o saying.

Anyway, I don't have any snails or crabs or anything in there, and with the low flow through the thing, nothing is stirring this stuff up.

My #s are spot on, with 0 across the big three bad boys, but I'm wondering if I should put something in there to stir up the sand, eat that crap, or just leave it be. Maybe the pods like it...I dunno.

Anyway, just figured I'd ask. :)
mikem said:
I siphon mine out as not to build up nitrates.

The best solution if you are not lazy like me. If you are, then make sure you have plenty of bristle worms in the sand and find some hermits and nassarius snails and see if they would go after it. Redirecting the flow is questionable solution since then you will just displace them somewhere else where they will continue to dicompose and mess the water.


NJRC Member
Well, the way the fuge is set up doesn't really allow any redirection of flow.

It's like this:


The tube on the left loops over into the tank and has a little powerhead on the end in the tank, right below the water level.

The box on the top left is where the water flows over and then through a tube back into the tank.

Bristleworms are something I've never seen in my tank before...they could be there, but...haven't seen them.

However, today I took out my carbon bag I throw into that box on the top left, and it was absolutely covered in pods. Must have been a hundred of the little fellas on it.

I ended up shaking them off back into the display tank.

Your welcome, scooter blenny.
