Directors At Large elections are now in place for the final step before we file for status. The elections will go until Monday August 22, 2005 at 9:00. This vote is for NJRC Members Only. If there is an issue with your access please email
Please make sure to vote in each election. There is a line for abstain if you are unfamiliar with the candidates. We will need the lesser of 20 members or 20% of our total membership to reach quorum in the vote.
South Election,479.0.html
Central Election,478.0.html
North Election,477.0.html
Please make sure to vote in each election. There is a line for abstain if you are unfamiliar with the candidates. We will need the lesser of 20 members or 20% of our total membership to reach quorum in the vote.
South Election,479.0.html
Central Election,478.0.html
North Election,477.0.html