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Disappearing cheato


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
I have a 30 gallon sump and my cheato doesn't seem to grow. It just vanishes. Any suggestions as to why this is happening. I have an in sump Berlin skimmer and a Phosban reactor HOB of sump.

Maybe the nutrient level in your tank is so low that it has nothing to feed on. Also is there a light over your sump? (had to ask)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
NO3, PO4, PH, Alk & Ca numbers for your tank may provide some insight. Post those up when you get a chance so that we can get an idea of where your tank is at. Also, info on what corals you keep, how they grow, and what lights are over your fuge.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
FWIW, I notice that when I run phosphate removing media my macro diminishes quickly.


Vice President
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NJRC Member
I have a regulat flourescent light over the fuge. The size that fits on a 10 gallon tank. I have frogspawn, hammer, leathers, candy cane, torch, bubble, shrooms, sun coral and some zoos. Only the orange zoos are out the rest are closed up. Fish are paior of large maroon clowns, purple tang, falme and key hole angel, red scooter, yellw tail and algae blenny, and a yellow damsel. The tank is 75 gallons with 2 MH 175 watts and 2 vho's.
ammonia - 0
nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 20
SG - 1.025
PH - 8.2
Alk - 300
Temp - 80
CA - 400


Vice President
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NJRC Member
Consenus seems to be not enough nutrients in my water. How do I go about getting them in their?


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Very Funny. I do feed them just very controlled to ensure food isn't blowing all over the tank. Guess I'll step it up and feed them a bit more than I usually do. I feed the corals twice a week guess I'll try every other day.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If your water is so clean that you can't grow chaeto, then don't change anything. Why would you intentionally decrease your water quality just to grow chaeto?

I can tell you that just about every person in this club wishes they had your problem. We grow chaeto and other macros in hopes of getting our waters clean and here you are wanting to dirty your tank just to grow it.
I was just reading CORAL magazine and the tank that is being covered this quarter is being dosed with nitrate because his water is too clean. Not saying that's what you should do just thought that comment fit in with this conversation.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Thanks for giving me an actual answer. I thought I was doing something wrong. Like I said I am anal about feeding; being sure to not over feed and have uneaten food laying around. I will step up feeding the corals a little more as I don't have growth. The fish I think get plenty already with a daily variety of frozen, dried, and nori. The fish tend to steal from the corals so I switched my feeding scheme and it seems to be working better.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'm sorry if you took that as sarchastic, but really, if you can't grow chaeto you might have a system that is TOO nutrient poor. A nutrient poor system will lack the color and pop of a tank with proper balance.
your posted nitrate levels are 20ppm, and you have 9 fish in your 75gal, most of which are on the large side. I'm curious as to why the general consensus is leaning towards too low nutrient levels? 20ppm nitrates is actually on the high-side.

My guess is not enough lighting/old lighting for your sump. I have a 32watt PowerCompact on mine and after a year my chaeto stopped growing until I changed the bulb. The light you have is a regular flourescent bulb, that's what, about 18 watts?

Also, do u have any critters in your sump? They could be eating your chaeto as well.

If all else fails, here's an article I bookmarked where dosing iron had beneficial effects on macroalgae. Not saying you should do it, but it's an interesting read.
