Today I tested my water for the first time. I use IO and Seachem foundation test kit. The water is new mixed two days ago.
Salinity : 35 ppt
CA = 500 ppm (it's the max the test kit can detect but the color did change almost completely)
Kh = 11.8 dKh
Mg = 1540 ppm
I tested carefully with my son's help so I do have some degree of confidence with the results. Everything is very high, right? Do I need to do anything? Is this a sustainable level when there is live stock in the tank?
Salinity : 35 ppt
CA = 500 ppm (it's the max the test kit can detect but the color did change almost completely)
Kh = 11.8 dKh
Mg = 1540 ppm
I tested carefully with my son's help so I do have some degree of confidence with the results. Everything is very high, right? Do I need to do anything? Is this a sustainable level when there is live stock in the tank?