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Do you think a Copperband Butterfly would help??


NJRC Member
Some time ago I bought some live rock that had a hitchhiker on it. It was pretty, not aiptasia or a majano. I found one site that called it a tulip anenome. Well, since then that one has spread into hundreds. They are pretty, about the size of a quarter, pink tipped and green. BUT, I can't seem to control them. I have tried Joe's Juice, they disappear for a couple of days and come right back. I have tried peppermint shrimp, they did nothing. It was suggested that I try a Copperband Butterfly fish. What do you think? Would it help or would it just eat my feather dusters?

If I could control them they are very nice, but they destroy everything that they grow near. Look at the base of frogspawn and all around and you will see them. And yes, Bill I know they are pretty but they have swallowed up mushroom colonies, and my button polyps, etc....

momof6kids said:
And yes, Bill I know they are pretty but they have swallowed up mushroom colonies, and my button polyps, etc....

And........... I think I have one in my softie tank. And I'm going to nuke it when I get the chance. ;D

Not sure about the CBB, except of course say good by to your worms. I wonder if Reefer Net's nudis' have a taste fot them?

Good luck!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Too bad they're evil. They look so pretty with those pink tips! Not sure about the CBB on the pretty flowers you have growing. I don't think they do mojanos, so I'd question their work on your tulips.
There was a guy on ebay selling them for as much as $40. ea. he started the actions at $9.99 and people were bidding on them. Don't kill them sell them ;D

They would be good for a fish only tank ::)


NJRC Member
Wow, why didn't I think of that. I could move the worst ones to my 90 gallon and let them go crazy in there. And then try to annialate the ones that are left. And then go buy new live rock for the 150. I see a trip to Hidden Reef in the near future. ;D
Hi Erna

I am constantly fighting these things and tried a Copperband not too long ago...It didn't work...The fish died without touching a single Aiptasia....It just wasted away....I don't know if it was a badly collected (cyanide caught) fish or something in my tank...It just never ate...

I use Joe's Juice a lot, but I can't get to all of them without disrupting big chunks of my reef. Going to try Melev's approach as well.

Good Luck

PS Bill....DON"T WAIT, KILL IT NOW!!!! These things spread very quickly and often to areas where you can't see them, ie behind and under rocks & corals.
Back in the day I knew a guy with Majanos who gave up and bought a racoon butterfly, it took them all out in a couple weeks. I don't know if he'd leave the frogspawn alone. The sunburst fly is supposed to like majanos as well.