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I like your diy drippers. I am trying to use this for kalkwasser. Right now we put kalkwasser in our auto top off water but the pump is too small and gets clogged then won’t top off tank. If you used a dripper how do you know how much to drip for kh/ calcium


Staff member
NJRC Member
I measured before and normally add 5ml calc and 10ml Alk. So I drip at slowest rate and measure again in a few days. Will do that a couple times to ensure nit dosing to much.


Staff member
NJRC Member
I measured before and normally add 5ml calc and 10ml Alk. So I drip at slowest rate and measure again in a few days. Will do that a couple times to ensure nit dosing to much.
Just saw you stated you add to the ATO. I used to drip in that but realized the DT doesn't get anything until ATO kicks in and that will cause it flucuate. I drip into the return chamber.
The way my sump is set up I have an 8 gallon chamber set up for ro water and ato system in place to maintain tank level. When I use kalk I mix ro water and kalk so that it adds kalk while doing top off. Problem is tubing get clogged so easily and no water goes into tank