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Elimi np


NJRC Member
Is anyone here using this? And how do you guys like or think about it?
It's carbon dosing but better than using something like Vodka. Similar to Red Sea's NO3 PO4-X. I've used the Red Sea Product and it works well.

However, you must have an adequately sized protein skimmer because you are exporting the Nitrates and Phosphates by skimming the increased bacteria (containing that Nitrate and Phosphate) caused by the carbon dosing.

Tropic Marin is a very reputable brand, I would have no worry about using it. Just make sure to follow the instructions.


NJRC Member
Pro Tip: Products in Petco stores can be very overpriced. Prices on their website compete with other online vendors and can be significantly lower. Petco stores have a price match policy to their own website. Just look up the product on the Petco website, see if the price is lower and show the cashier the price online. I've saved a ton of money using this.

Some will even price match to Amazon if sold directly by the vendor but I don't believe that's policy.


NJRC Member
Pro Tip: Products in Petco stores can be very overpriced. Prices on their website compete with other online vendors and can be significantly lower. Petco stores have a price match policy to their own website. Just look up the product on the Petco website, see if the price is lower and show the cashier the price online. I've saved a ton of money using this.

Some will even price match to Amazon if sold directly by the vendor but I don't believe that's policy.
Thanks for the info and tips!! I’ll think I’ll try it.. my phosphates are high as well as my nitrates. I hope this doesn’t take too long although everything here takes time


NJRC Member
Thanks for the info and tips!! I’ll think I’ll try it.. my phosphates are high as well as my nitrates. I hope this doesn’t take too long although everything here takes time
Absolutely, check your nitrate to phosphate ratio. If your phosphates are higher than (Nitrates10) : (1 Phosphates), Tropic Marin has a product called Elimi-Phos Rapid. This product actually binds to the phosphate and allows your filter to remove it immediately. Once you get it to ~10:1 ratio then use the Elimi-NP. Since the Elimi-NP is carbon dosing, it will take days to a week to start showing results.

Patience is key in Reefing :). Corals and fish can adapt a lot, but slowly. So even if your parameters are out of wack they can adjust (Not too out of wack though). The rapid changes will hurt them more.
Pro Tip: Products in Petco stores can be very overpriced. Prices on their website compete with other online vendors and can be significantly lower. Petco stores have a price match policy to their own website. Just look up the product on the Petco website, see if the price is lower and show the cashier the price online. I've saved a ton of money using this.

Some will even price match to Amazon if sold directly by the vendor but I don't believe that's policy.

I've used their price match several times as well and had no issues. They match using whatever online vendor you show them


NJRC Member
Absolutely, check your nitrate to phosphate ratio. If your phosphates are higher than (Nitrates10) : (1 Phosphates), Tropic Marin has a product called Elimi-Phos Rapid. This product actually binds to the phosphate and allows your filter to remove it immediately. Once you get it to ~10:1 ratio then use the Elimi-NP. Since the Elimi-NP is carbon dosing, it will take days to a week to start showing results.

Patience is key in Reefing :). Corals and fish can adapt a lot, but slowly. So even if your parameters are out of wack they can adjust (Not too out of wack though). The rapid changes will hurt them more.
I’m already using phosphateE for phosphate and I’ll buy the elimi mp from absolutely fish because all the local petco stores don’t have it in stock

The Gooch

NJRC Member
I’ve used Tropic Marin’s whole carbon source line. I’m a fan since it doesn’t seem to cause red slime like vodka or Nopox will at times. People run into problems carbon dosing when they by lean on it too much to reduce nutrients, or eventually bottom out nutrients. A small dose as a bacterial stimulant has always been the best application for me. For reference, I currently dose 3ml per day of Bacto balance on a 300g system. This gives me a little nutrient reduction, improved water clarity, minimal alage, and improved polyp extension + color.


NJRC Member
I’ve used Tropic Marin’s whole carbon source line. I’m a fan since it doesn’t seem to cause red slime like vodka or Nopox will at times. People run into problems carbon dosing when they by lean on it too much to reduce nutrients, or eventually bottom out nutrients. A small dose as a bacterial stimulant has always been the best application for me. For reference, I currently dose 3ml per day of Bacto balance on a 300g system. This gives me a little nutrient reduction, improved water clarity, minimal alage, and improved polyp extension + color.
I guess I should use the whole line too lol