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ETSS Skimmer Question Evolution 750 or 800XL HELP


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
OK I have a 180 gallon reef tank with a MRC-2 skimmer which I do not care for. I all so have a Blueline 55HD pump that I can use. I am looking at getting ETSS Evolution 750 or 800XL skimmer.
I can get a Very very sweet deal on the Evolution 750 or a pretty good deal for the 800XL but not as good as the Evolution 750. Is the Evolution 750 a good skimmer or would I be better off with the 800XL and if so why.
All and any Help would great.


NJRC Member
Both skimmers are great don't think you would see much difference unless you went with a different pump and overdrove the skimmer.
I would take the better deal because ETSS under rates their skimmers as far as tank size.
i have the ets evolution 750 skimmer on my 180 gallon tank, and it works great...i have a mag drive 12 (1200) feeding it. i never had another skimmer so i really can't compare it to anything..but it works good...and im cleaning out major nasty gunk every couple of days.lol...