Was at the mall in Eatontown and my sonm talked me into stopping at the dreaded Petco for reptile supplies. While there I peeked at the fish selection which is half the size it was. They have a fairy Wrasse for $19.99 that looks similar to this http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:79b6Tc4sdyitnM:http://www.seatrademarine.com
Only thing is the fish in the tyank is more orange and stripe a bit more red and the tail fin had some purple. Thought I'd let peiple know in case they were interested. Looked like there were 4 left.
Only thing is the fish in the tyank is more orange and stripe a bit more red and the tail fin had some purple. Thought I'd let peiple know in case they were interested. Looked like there were 4 left.