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Feeding Corals

I have a nano tank and I am unclear about what would be the best practice for feeding corals. I have phyloplankton and ckylopeeze[spelling]to feed with. I am concerned about water conditions due to overfeeding so I am really not sure how often or how much to feed? And at this point i just put the products in the water not specific coral feeding.
Thanks for your help
I don't know the specific amount of food to feed my corals but what I do is, stop the overflow and keep the pumps running. Than I put some cyclop-eeze in the tank in front of the pumps and let it spread all around. At this point I hope that all the corals catch some of the food with there tentacles. By the way, I do this when all the light are off.
Depending on the corals that one has, the tentacles come out at night (when lights are off). The food than sticks to the tentacles and the corals can eat. I feed every other day or every two days.
I have a 12g and dose 1ml of phyto after every water change once a week. Dont really feed my corals anything else so I cant comment on that.
What kind of corals are we talking about? LPS, SPS, softies?

I try and target feed only my dendros, chalices and acans in hopes of them getting bigger quicker. I feed them Krill bits, mysis, and cyclopeeze (sp.??) twice or three times a week. I feed the dendros during the day to train them to stay open, and they're now open nearly around the clock. I feed the others at night so the fish don't steal their food.

My SPS are thriving solely on fish poo. ;D
