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Finnex 30g Bio Cube


Staff member
NJRC Member
I plan to start setting the tank up this week and have a few questions.

1) What size pump do I need?
2) Can I use a flex hose from pump to return inside the chamber?
3) What type of filtration should be used?

Thanks for the assist.
On my old biocube I used a cheap pump from petco. I just stuck a hose and zip tied a pvc elbow on it. It worked OK but I had to keep an eye on it as the elbow wasn't exact fit and could come loose. Solved that mostly with wrapping plastic bag around the receiver to thicken it up. I guess silicone might have been a better solution but I like to empty chamber occasionally.

Jebeo dcp2500 would be a nice pump for it but I never tried to fit it. Maybe too wide.

Octo sells some nice media trays you can stick back there but I never wanted to spend the extra money so I just used bags full of bio-media like fluval stuff, separate charcoal bag. And stuffed with filter floss.

Had a hob skimmer for awhile, but i didn't like it. Felt like too much of a toy to me.

Purchased some submersible lights on ebay and ran sort of a mini fuge in one of the chambers for awhile. Wow that really kept my nitrates at bay.

Fun tank. Had it for about 5 years. Best part was a 5 gallon water change would solve all my problems lol