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Fish stocking advice

Ok, so I should have a 90 gallon coming soon, and I'm looking for some stocking advice.

Right now, I have:

2 Tomato Clowns (about 1 1/2 to 2" each)
1 bi-color angel (about 2 1/2 to 3")
1 scopas tang (about 3 to 4" across)
1 as-yet unidentified wrasse (currently in isolation for a jumping incident, about 3")
1 cleaner shrimp

I have 2 pepermint shrimp coming from the group buy.

I'm looking for reef safe additions recomendations.

I'm thinking I may want a couple of bangai (sp?) cardinals, but other than that, I'm open for suggestions on what else I can safely add to this mix.

I do have some coral, and want to expand that, so I'd like reef safe.

Right now I have some zoas, shrooms, GSP, a slowly coming back to life torch coral (very small) and an acropora we can't narrow down to a specific type (lavendar with green polyps).

I'm thinking I want to stay away from any more jumping-evil-canevil wrasses, even though I do like them. I don't think my heart could take another jumper! LOL!

Any suggestiosn?


NJRC Member
how about a blue throat trigger? If you want to go buck - wild so to speak go with a few yellow tail damsels. The aggression should not be to bad with the fish you have.
Don't the triggers get large? Like over 12 inches? The tank will only be a 90, which is 48"x18"24", I think.

I eventually want to put together a custom 60"x30"x24", which is about 175 gallons, but that is a little ways off.

I want to make sure whatever I get doesn't outgrow the tank too quickly.

I must admit the triggers are cool. The pink tail trigger is pretty cool too.

I think I want to stay away from damsels. They strike me as the gangstas of the salt water fish world. ;D

Any more suggestions?
When the 90 was up, I had a Yellow Tang, Hippo Tang, Flame Angel, 2 O.Clowns, 2 Chromis, a PJ Cardinal and I attempted to keep a wrasse but due to my open top found them behind my tank on 2 occasions and gave up on that idea :(
I have one tang now, wasn't sure if I should chance another. I like the hippo and the naso tang is kinda cool too.

You think both tangs would be ok in the 90?


NJRC Member
not all damsels are bad. a very bad misconception about the fish. In fact whatever reef you dive you will always spot a damsel. From my experience pseudochromis are way more agressive than yellow tail damsels and even talbots.
eholceker said:
not all damsels are bad. a very bad misconception about the fish. In fact whatever reef you dive you will always spot a damsel. From my experience pseudochromis are way more agressive than yellow tail damsels and even talbots.

I wouldn't mind having something that will school. What is the quantity recomendations on the less "gangsta" damsels or chormis?
mfisher2112 said:
I have one tang now, wasn't sure if I should chance another. I like the hippo and the naso tang is kinda cool too.

You think both tangs would be ok in the 90?
Being the Scopas is a Zebrasoma you should be alright with a hippo Paracanthurus hepatus, you do need to prepare yourself to A. Get a larger tank a few years from now or B. plan to find a new home for it in a few years. I haven't researched the Naso so I really can't give you any advice towards it, at the same time if you add a hippo it should be the only fish you add with your current stock due to it's growth rate and size potential. The one I have has grown from a half dollar size to 4-5 inches in a year and a half. You'll see it when you stop by.