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Is it possible to have flatworms in your refugium but not in your tank? I've definitely got them in the fuge. Tried flatworm exit (FWE) but they came back after a few weeks. However, I don't see them anywhere in the main tank.

I have two Cleaner and 1 Coral Banded Shrimp. Could they be keeping the upper tank clean?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Ken

You can have them in your fuge and not your display. As long as there is no swapping of rock or corals that have flatworms on them. I really don't think the Shrimp are eating the FW's.
Since they tend not to swim in free water column, but to stick to surfaces (substrate, glass, rocks, corals plants) and they shy from vigour water movements (fuge overflow return flow), it could happen.