• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

For some time you click a link and it comes up BLANK


NJRC Member
for people that trying to click on the link, and it shows BLANK...

the trick i used to over come this issue is:
- add something JUNK at the end of the URL, to trick the "cache manager" think this is something you never visit before, and hence will give you the content again.
_________________________________________________for example, once your click the link, it shows blank, and the URL was like this:

then you add some junk Letters or numbers to the end (with a [?] mark come first...)
_________________________________________________this trick will work for other sites also to force the server to give you the latest content, however, if the URL already have the [?] mark, you will then need to use [&] instead...

for example:

then you will need to do this:
if you still having problem to open it, use different junk everytime...
junk3213, fdsf432984, fsdfsd943, fsdfds, sfdhor5, 6484659...

good luck and have fun surf-ing the web...