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Frozen foods


NJRC Member
Do y'all defrost your food first ?

I always used to defrost and feed but, the other day I read the instructions and it actually says to just drop the frozen cube in. So now I'm curious


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Yes, it's short tube with 2 holes. The cube defrost and then drifts out slowly.


NJRC Member
I just throw it right next to the mp10 and then the return brings it even closer, the mp just bring it in and destroy it lol;)


NJRC Member
I don't have a feeding ring, but it floats around for a bit before sinking to the bottom and slowly thawing and the fish grab at it as it let's go. My only concern is the bigger fish grabbing at it before the littler ones have a chance which was avoided by the pre thaw.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I put it in a cup w tank water..swish it around for a while..then dump it. However, this is usually LRS frozen food, so I've heard it's ok to throw it all in


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Depends on how lazy I am feeling, usually we defrost but popping in a few cubes of mysis works well too.