I really cant wait to go from a small frag to a large frag. Tell me, to those of you on here who have graduated and moved on to the next level, what did it feel like? How did you celebrate?
Edward771 said:Paid the $12 so I could enjoy the bennies of membership. Like group buys.
...And I thought freshwater was fun.
gogol said:...And I thought freshwater was fun.
Freshwater could be fun and just as educative if done right.... You could have a really lush and vibrant planted aquarium with branching pieces of driftwood and a family of eels that feed off of fresh water rotifers that grow in a HOB refugium... but people rarely take the pain.
I think for marine aquariums, people pay a lot of special heed to what they are doing because the the livestock is atleast 3-4 times more expensive which need special care. Hence the market is also full of jazzier products. The user community is more vocal and interactive because they spend a larger portion of their waking hours thinking about their reefs than they did of their cichlid tanks.
..That said, this is a hobby where colours and forms of your tank inhabitants have no bounds, fishes form a cocoon and bury themselves in sand, shrimps setup servicing shops to clean off parasites, sessile inhabitants have mouths and regularly get into turf wars when you are catching up on your sleep ..... it is an amazing world which you usually get to see in your TV and now is in your living room. What's not to love !!!
Congrats on the promotion, take Ed's advice and become a member. Consider never going to Petco ever again and keep a close watch on the for sale and group buy forums ;D. Get stuff from fellow reefers since not only do they sell cheap but you get to look at their wonderous tanks and collect a wealth of information about their setups. Going slow is a good way to go about it, but going small need not be. Try to build an ecosystem that contains enough creatures in the lower levels of the food chain so that the tank can sustain itself without much intervention from you... you will never regret it.
Happy reefing...