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GFO question


NJRC Member
what’s everyone using for GFO these days? I’ve been running BRS high capacity in a media reactor and use one cup every two weeks. I’m curious if there is a cheaper brand that people like. BRS is charging $85 for 1.65 lbs.


NJRC Member
Anthony, a 5kg bucket is $169 and would last me approximately a year. That’s not a bad price. Do you think it would last that long and not go bad? I’ve used Rowaphos in the past and remember it’s a “damp” product. If it dries out would it still work?


Vice President
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Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Rowaphos when I used to run gfo..now my acros like phosphates so I don't run anything
Anthony, a 5kg bucket is $169 and would last me approximately a year. That’s not a bad price. Do you think it would last that long and not go bad? I’ve used Rowaphos in the past and remember it’s a “damp” product. If it dries out would it still work?
Do not let it dry out it’s no good when it dries