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glass thinckness


so until I get this tank, I won't know for sure. I spoke to a AGA rep who told me that a 120 with 1/2 glass doesn't need the center brace so much, glass density. But if the glass is thinner than that, they it needs the brace. Trying to see if I need to replace the center brace on a tank I'm buying.

Just ask the guy who you're buying from to measure it. Where the glass meets is a perfect place to measure. I just did my AGA 120 and it's 3/8ths.
I've asked, waiting to hear back from him. In any event, I think I'll just replace the trim and play it safe. Don't want to come home and find the tank broke/cracked and water, fish, rock, sand all other the place. My wife would kill me and I mean kill with a capital KILL!, LOL. I plan to put it in my sunroom, which she has claimed as her room. If I screw that up, I'll be sleeping in the basement. And it gets cold down there, lol.
