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I really like gobies. I currently have an engineer (eel) goby. has anyone had compatability issues having more than one species of goby in their tanks? I'd like to get a pair of yellow clown gobies, at least 1 or 2 neon gobies, and perhaps a firefish.
My experience has always been different types of gobies are usually OK together. Sand sifting/bottom dwelling gobies (watchman), perching gobies (clowns) and free swimming (firefish) can do fine in a large enough tank together.
On the other hand, I wouldnt try to fit more than one sand sifting goby in the same tank with a limited size sandbed. Too much competition for burrows.
Had an engineer goby and a yellow watchman goby along with a citron goby in my old 120 never an issue. I know a guy that has a 180 and has 4 engineer gobies in it, no problems at all. They all know their place and stay there.