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Gone and done it !!!

Well I got home today to find out my bubble tip anemone ate a 3 inch pink anthea (not that the color matters) !!!!!!!!

Its tail of course was sticking out of the anemone. The fish was nearly as large as the anemone. The anemone looks healthy full of water and bloated with a partof the fish tail sticking out of it.

I am not to worried about the fish anymore but my concern is for my anemone.
Any idea if the anemone will survive eating something so large......
I have decided to leave the fish in the anemone, because taking it out will rip the anemone apart more than likely.

Hope fully it will spit it out or consume the sushi.

Has anyone heard of a medium size anemone eating a 3 inch fish before?
Sorry to hear about the loss. I don't think it should be an issue. It's gonna poop a bunch later so if you're concerned about nitrates - consider that. Otherwise - nothing to worry about....other than your fish-hungry anemone.

I used to feed my anemone silversides...never had a problem eating big pieces. In fact dr. ron encourages feeding them whole (thawed of course).

Is there a clown being hosted by your anemone? Surprised the clown didn't scare the anthia away.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Is it possible your Anthias died and then was eaten? I didn't think BTA were that aggressive...especially not a smaller one. If it's eating it...I wouldn't worry about the anemone...guess it was REALLY hungry!
I'm not too surprised. I once had a long nose hawk decide to land on an anemone, and the fish was promptly eaten. Off hand I think this was a carpet anemone.

About all you can do is write off the fish, and figure your amemnoe got a very expensive meal.

I'm sure the anemone will be fine.