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Grape Calerpa within LR- Buy it or Pass?

Hi - I need to ask for some opinions. I am considering buy a set up including LR, although the seller mentioned it has been penetrated with Grape Calerpa pretty bad. Can this be erradicated without drying the rock and killing off most organisms within? (i.e. would storing the rock in a dark holding tank resolve it?)

Should be fine as long as it's green.

I don't think there's anything wrong with grape calerpa unless it's gone sexual and dies off (turns white) then you'll have problems. You just need to trim it so it doesn't overgrow.

Also, if you have any tangs, they'll eat it up pretty quickly.

Are you sure it's grape calerpa and not green bubble algae? Just google images of both and compare.
I would strongly advise you against putting it in the tank without eradicating it. Caulerpa is fast growing, will overgrow any corals in a matter of weeks if not days. It will also fight them by releasing toxins that stump the growth of the corals. That is, if you do not have some very aggressive herbivores that will take it out (Tangs for example, Yellow, Naso ...).

If you still want the rock, then you have several options:

- put it in the tank with aggressive herbivores and pray for them to do the job :-\
- put it in quarantine with herbivores and look if they will do the job :)
- cure it for several weeks in the complete darkness, - COMPLETE!
- "cure" it in slightly higher temperature and absolutely no water motion. Whenever I completely turn off the water movement in my refugium, caulerpa starts dying off in 24h
I thout colerpa was neat once and put it in my display tank. Ha, I had to trim it twice a week just to see in the tank. I bought a tang and never saw the stuff again.
Just me but I wouldn't put it in my tank. A separate tank with a few eaters for a while should do the trick. I'd then put the fish back in the tank and watch the rock for another 30 days just to make sure it's all gone.

You don't want caulerpa in your tank!
