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Heat spike

One of my heaters broke and caused the temperature in the tank to spike to 92 degrees.

I lost three corals, a hammer, frogspawn and yellow leather. I have GSP that are still recovering, but seem to have made it through OK. Everything else in the tank seems to be doing well.

The yellow leather is completely gone. It just 'melted' away. Similarly, the hammer and frogspawn dissolved over a few days but, their skeletons remain.

My question, is there a chance that the hammer and frogspawn will grow back? Or, should I just remove the skeleton and (sob, sob) start again?
the only time i have had a euphyillia grow onto a dead skeleton is when there was a some live flesh left.. but without any live flesh, I have never seen them grow back..


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hard to tell if any live flesh is still inside of it or not. That would depend on what it looked like as it was "melting away". If it receded you have a shot, but if the flesh fell off you can write it off as dead. Better than even chance that it's gone. Sorry for your losses.

After our heater problems (luckily ours failed in the off position) we've always run double protection. I have an ACII that I use to cap the heaters and then the heaters are set just over that. The ACII will turn the heaters off if I get a below normal reading (probe out of water?) or above the set point. Then I use multiple heaters to protect against one failing in the off position.
Thanks Kenny Z.

I will be at the meeting this weekend!

Since the original frags were from NJRC meetings more than a year ago, it only seems fitting to replace with more frags from NJRC.

Hope to see you Sunday.

Thought I'd revive this 8 MONTH OLD thread.

I did not throw away the frogspawn skeleton. You may have seen it in the tank when I hosted in September.

I just noticed three NEW heads! They are not regrowth of old heads, but comming from the stalk as new heads.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
That's too cool. We have a piece of frogspawn in our 65 that was dead for a while too. It has new growth coming out of the side of the stalk now also. Crazy. What a survival instinct, huh?

Congrats on sticking it out long enough for the coral to come back!
this just shows the resilience of some corals. a few weeks ago i had a leaky tank and my wife put some of my acros in a sump. yesterday i removed a white skeleton of a scripps acro i missed in the sump and placed it in my growout tank. within a half hour the white skelton had yellow polyps poking out. one thing with acros is they have a distinct smell when alive. I immediatly recognized the smell when i removed it from the sump. i couldnt believe it made it.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
After the February meeting I temp acclimated our winnings in our sump. I THOUGHT I'd moved everything into the tank (though I did think there was one missing). Sure enough, yesterday when we were moving things around in the sump we found a little baggie with some blasto (skeletin) sealed inside, with a tiny pinhole leak.

Into the tank it went and these little buggers are out and doing beautifully!! I'm SHOCKED that they survived 3+ weeks in a baggie in my sump.
one way to stop your tank from over heating would be to use an ac jr or something along those lines. if your temp rises above set point it will kill the power to your heater.