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HELP – Aspect Ratio is Screwed Up


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I hooked up my little netbook to our TV through the VGA port. When I unhooked it, the netbook screen now looks like it is being stretched from left to right….as if it took on the aspect of the TV. I’ve turned the computer on and off and still the same. How do I get back my aspect? Thanks


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Have you tried right clicking on the desktop, going to properties, then clicking the setting tab?

You can fix the resolution there...maybe that will fix it.
Re: HELP – Aspect Ratio is Screwed Up

I think you have an asus, there is a button at the top above the keyboard for that. If not, you might have to hit the fn key and a button in the top row. I think asus has a stand alone button though.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Brian, I should clarify…I’m a idiot…you need to tell me exactly what buttons to push. I did go to properties…setting and increased my resolution. It is now very crisp and very pretty looking …..AND stretched out.

Mike, I have an ACER. No button on the top just for this.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I think I fixed it. Let me translate....I mysteriously hit the right buttons to fix the problem, but don’t ask me how I did it.

Thanks Mike and Brian. I learned something today…to never hook my computer to the TV.
hey paul
start---control panel---display
and see what your screen resolution is

i looked at that here at work and asked another pc guy---maybe this will help

oh, ya fixed it---good
Re: HELP – Aspect Ratio is Screwed Up

depending on how you have your machine hooked up can be easy as hitting fn+f4.  give it a few seconds to change over through display modes.

if you have problems not getting the correct settings it's easiest to use those hot keys.

as mentioned previously, i think most netbooks come with winxp so just right click on your desktop - properties/graphics properties (depending on your video card/software) - select the proper display.  check what it is before plugging in but on those machines i doubt it is svga capable so try 1080 x 600 usually easiest to use highest bit rate and refresh rate tends to be 60hz.

don't be scared to plug it in.  if you want some help you can pm me and call.  i work for a helpdesk.  can't wait for my interview to get away from it though!  MIDDLEWARE here i come.  ha