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Help, Building a refugium

here is a plan I came up with for my 29 gallon any suggestions on what size return pump and line to use? Anyone willing to help with seting it up I do not want to flood the house or drainthe main tank also will this design work?



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
The only problem that I see is the water level. That's good for an off water level, but you're going to need a running level of much lower in order to allow for the back siphon.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Yes I would have to agree.. I would think almost half that water you are showing in the diagram.
I should put on there that the water line is where I would want it when the pump is off, I was thinking of building a stand out of PVC and egg crate for the return pump and have it about 2 " above the sand. I have to redraw the plan. I plan on using a lifereef 700gpd overflow that has a 1" feed line and a mag 5 return with 3/4" return line would that be good? Or will it be unstable? I was also thinking of making something similar when I change over my 46 gallon but using a 20 gallon and a mag 7. The other question is with this design can I put a skimmer in the fuge or should I use a HOB skim on the main tank? Anyone willing to help is welcome.
when using mag pump its better if you double the return line.

i am using a 1 inch return on my mag 7..
