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HELP, I don't know what to do...

I had a collapse of my reef yesterday. Unstable rock. I redid the whole thing i took out everything from the tank and placed into buckets. Tank was a cloudy mess. About 5 hours later after putting all back in. My SPS corals are suffering badly. The Purpple Nana has turned completely white and the purple stag is half white on one side. Now today my other SPS corals are starting to turn to. Is there any hope of recovery. All water test are OK nothing out of normal range. All LPS and softies look fine.

I have a 72g bowfront with 2-250watt 10k MH and 110w PC 50/50. BakPAk2 skimmer.



this happend to my friend he lost nice acros, i think what happend was that some of the nasty stuff under the sand got mixed & that was the cause in his tank, his tank was not to dirty but there was something in the sand that made his SPS bleach.
sorry to hear about ur SPS'S


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Bummer.....saw way to much of that over the past two weeks. Wish I could help. Probably released nitrates that were built up in the sand. Sorry for you loss.


Sorry to hear Andy, please keep me updated on their progress.  SPS are pretty resilient when it comes to stress, but they are intolerant of high nitrates and ammonia.  I hope that your sand didn't release too much of nitrogenous byproducts that would cause them to rapidly decline.  Like I said, they are pretty resilient to stress, I've had corals exposed to air for 30-45 minutes or longer when doing a water change or fragging colonies, and the polyps stay closed for a day or two, but they recover and bounce back.  Are those the only corals that were affected?  